Source code for HierMat.cluster_tree

""" :class:`ClusterTree`, :func:`build_cluster_tree`, :func:`recursion_build_cluster_tree`

[docs]class ClusterTree(object): """Tree structure built according to the :class:`Splitable` in use Splits are done until max_leaf_size is reached """ def __init__(self, content, sons=None, max_leaf_size=1, level=0): """""" self.level = level self.content = content self.sons = sons if sons else [] self.max_leaf_size = max_leaf_size def __repr__(self): optional_string = " with children {0}".format(self.sons) if self.sons else " without children" return "<ClusterTree at level {0}{1}>".format(str(self.level), optional_string) def __len__(self): return len(self.content) def __str__(self): """give str representation of self.""" cont_str = ",".join([str(p) for p in self.content]) out_str = "ClusterTree at level {0} with content:\n{1}".format(self.level, cont_str) return out_str def _plot_str(self): """string for plots""" cont_str = '' for p in self.content: cont_str += '[' cont_str += ",".join(["{0:.2f}".format(i) for i in p]) cont_str += "] " cont_str.rstrip() return cont_str def __eq__(self, other): """Test for equality :param other: other cluster tree :type other: ClusterTree """ return (self.level == other.level and self.content == other.content and self.sons == other.sons and self.max_leaf_size == other.max_leaf_size) def __ne__(self, other): """Test for inequality :param other: other cluster tree :type other: ClusterTree """ return not (self == other) def __getitem__(self, item): return self.content[item]
[docs] def get_index(self, item): """Get index from content :param item: index to get :type item: int :return: index :rtype: int """ return self.content.get_index(item)
[docs] def get_grid_item(self, item): """Get grid item from content :param item: index of item to get :type item: int """ return self.content.get_grid_item(item)
[docs] def get_patch_coordinates(self): """Return min and max out of indices :return: min and max :rtype: tuple(int, int) """ return self.content.get_patch_coordinates()
[docs] def to_list(self): """Give list representation for export Return a list containing the object and a list with its sons .. hint:: **recursive function** """ if self.sons: return [self, [son.to_list() for son in self.sons]] else: return [self, []]
[docs] def export(self, form='xml', out_file='out'): """Export obj in specified format. :param form: format specifier :type form: str :param out_file: path to output file :type out_file: str :raises NotImplementedError: if form is not supported .. note:: implemented so far: - xml - dot - bin """ def _to_xml(lst, out_string=''): if len(lst[1]): value_string = str(lst[0]) display_string = str(len(lst[1])) else: value_string = str(lst[0]) display_string = str(lst[0]) out_string += '<node value="{0}">{1}\n'.format(value_string, display_string) if len(lst) > 1 and type(lst[1]) is list: for item in lst[1]: out_string = _to_xml(item, out_string) out_string += "</node>\n" return out_string def _to_dot(lst, out_string=''): if len(lst) > 1 and type(lst[1]) is list: for item in lst[1]: value_string = str(lst[0]) item_string = str(item[0]) label_string = len(lst[0]) out_string += '''"{0}" -- "{1}"; "{0}"[label="{2}",color="#cccccc",style="filled",shape="box"];\n'''.format( value_string, item_string, label_string) out_string = _to_dot(item, out_string) return out_string if form == 'xml': export_list = self.to_list() head = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n' output = _to_xml(export_list) output = head + output with open(out_file, "w") as out: out.write(output) elif form == 'dot': export_list = self.to_list() head = 'graph {\n' output = _to_dot(export_list) tail = '}' output = head + output + tail with open(out_file, "w") as out: out.write(output) elif form == 'bin': import pickle file_handle = open(out_file, "wb") pickle.dump(self, file_handle, protocol=-1) file_handle.close() else: raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def depth(self, root_level=None): """Get depth of the tree :param root_level: internal use. :type root_level: int :return: depth :rtype: int .. hint:: **recursive function** """ if root_level is None: root_level = self.level if not self.sons: return self.level - root_level else: return max([son.depth(root_level) for son in self.sons])
[docs] def diameter(self): """Return the diameter of content :return: diameter :rtype: float """ return self.content.diameter()
[docs] def distance(self, other): """Return distance to other :param other: other cluster tree :type other: ClusterTree :return: distance :rtype: float """ return self.content.distance(other.content)
[docs]def build_cluster_tree(splitable, max_leaf_size=1, start_level=0): """Factory for building a cluster tree :param splitable: strategy that decides the structure :type splitable: Splitable :param max_leaf_size: cluster size at which recursion stops :type max_leaf_size: int :param start_level: counter to identify levels :type start_level: int :return: cluster tree :rtype: ClusterTree """ root = ClusterTree(splitable, max_leaf_size=max_leaf_size, level=start_level) recursion_build_cluster_tree(root) return root
[docs]def recursion_build_cluster_tree(current_tree): """Recursion to :func:`build_cluster_tree` """ if len(current_tree.content) > current_tree.max_leaf_size: splits = current_tree.content.split() for split in splits: new_tree = ClusterTree(content=split, max_leaf_size=current_tree.max_leaf_size, level=current_tree.level + 1) current_tree.sons.append(new_tree) recursion_build_cluster_tree(new_tree)