Source code for HierMat.cuboid

""" :class:`Cuboid` and :func:`minimal_cuboid`
import numpy
from numpy.core.multiarray import array

[docs]class Cuboid(object): """Cuboid that is parallel to the axis in Cartesian coordinates. Characterized by two diagonal corners. - **Attributes**: low_corner: numpy.array with minimal values in each dimension high_corner: numpy.array with maximal values in each dimension """ def __init__(self, low_corner, high_corner): """Build a cuboid. :param low_corner: low corner :type low_corner: numpy.array :param high_corner: high corner :type high_corner: numpy.array """ if len(low_corner) != len(high_corner): raise ValueError('corners must have same dimension') self.low_corner = array(low_corner, float) self.high_corner = array(high_corner, float) def __len__(self): """Dimension of the corners :return: len(high_corner) :rtype: int """ return len(self.high_corner) def __eq__(self, other): """Test for equality :param other: other cuboid :type other: Cuboid :return: equal :rtype: bool """ if len(self) != len(other): return False low_eq = self.low_corner == other.low_corner high_eq = self.high_corner == other.high_corner return low_eq.all() and high_eq.all() def __ne__(self, other): """Test for inequality :param other: other cuboid :type other: Cuboid :return: equal :rtype: bool """ return not (self == other) def __contains__(self, point): """Check if point is inside the cuboid True if point is between low_corner and high_corner :param point: point of correct dimension :type point: numpy.array :return: contained :rtype: bool """ lower = self.low_corner <= point higher = point <= self.high_corner return lower.all() and higher.all() def __repr__(self): """Representation of Cuboid""" return "Cuboid({0},{1})".format(str(self.low_corner), str(self.high_corner)) def __str__(self): """Return string representation""" return "Cuboid with:\n\tlow corner: {0},\n\thigh corner{1}.".format(str(self.low_corner), str(self.high_corner))
[docs] def split(self, axis=None): """Split the cuboid in half If axis is specified, the cuboid is split along the given axis, else the maximal axis is chosen. :param axis: axis along which to split (optional) :type axis: int :return: cuboid1, cuboid2 :rtype: tuple(Cuboid, Cuboid) """ if axis: index = axis else: # determine dimension in which to split index = numpy.argmax(abs(self.high_corner - self.low_corner)) # determine value at splitting point split = (self.high_corner[index] + self.low_corner[index]) / 2 low_corner1 = array(self.low_corner) low_corner2 = array(self.low_corner) low_corner2[index] = split high_corner1 = array(self.high_corner) high_corner2 = array(self.high_corner) high_corner1[index] = split return Cuboid(low_corner1, high_corner1), Cuboid(low_corner2, high_corner2)
[docs] def diameter(self): """Return the diameter of the cuboid. Diameter is the Euclidean distance between low_corner and high_corner. :return: diameter :rtype: float """ return numpy.linalg.norm(self.high_corner - self.low_corner)
[docs] def distance(self, other): """Return distance to other Cuboid. Distance is the minimal Euclidean distance between points in self and points in other. :param other: other cuboid :type other: Cuboid :return: distance :rtype: float """ dimension = len(self.low_corner) distance1 = self.low_corner - other.low_corner distance2 = self.low_corner - other.high_corner distance3 = self.high_corner - other.low_corner distance4 = self.high_corner - other.high_corner distance_matrix = array((distance1, distance2, distance3, distance4)) checks = abs(numpy.sum(numpy.sign(distance_matrix), 0)) == 4 * numpy.ones(dimension) distance_vector = array(checks, dtype=float) min_vector = numpy.amin(abs(distance_matrix), axis=0) return numpy.linalg.norm(min_vector * distance_vector)