Source code for HierMat.utils

""" Utilities for the :mod:`HMatrix` module
import math
import numpy
from HierMat.cluster import Cluster
from HierMat.cuboid import Cuboid
# TODO: write tests

[docs]def load(filename): """Load a :class:`ClusterTree` or :class:`BlockClusterTree` from file :param filename: file to import :type filename: String :return: object :rtype: BlockClusterTree or ClusterTree .. note:: Depends on :mod:`pickle` """ import pickle with open(filename, 'rb') as infile: obj = pickle.load(infile) return obj
[docs]def admissible(left_clustertree, right_clustertree): """Default admissible condition for BlockClusterTree True if the smaller diameter of the input is smaller or equal to the distance between the two ClusterTrees :param left_clustertree: "Left-side" ClusterTree :param right_clustertree: "Right-side" ClusterTree :type left_clustertree: ClusterTree :type right_clustertree: ClusterTree :return: admissible :rtype: bool """ diam_min = min(left_clustertree.diameter(), right_clustertree.diameter()) distance = left_clustertree.distance(right_clustertree) return diam_min <= distance
[docs]def divisor_generator(n): """Return divisors of n :param n: integer to find divisors of :type n: int :return: divisors :rtype: list[int] .. warning:: This is a generator! To get a list with all divisors call:: list(divisor_generator(n)) .. note:: found at `StackOverflow <>`_ on 2017.03.08 """ large_divisors = [] for i in xrange(1, int(math.sqrt(n) + 1)): if n % i == 0: yield i if i * i != n: large_divisors.append(n / i) for divisor in reversed(large_divisors): yield divisor
[docs]def minimal_cuboid(cluster): """Build minimal cuboid Build minimal cuboid around cluster that is parallel to the axis in Cartesian coordinates :param cluster: cluster to build cuboid around :type cluster: Cluster :return: minimal cuboid :rtype: Cuboid """ points = cluster.grid.points low_corner = numpy.array(points[0], float, ndmin=1) high_corner = numpy.array(points[0], float, ndmin=1) for p in points: p = numpy.array(p, float, ndmin=1) lower = p >= low_corner if not lower.all(): for i in xrange(len(low_corner)): if not lower[i]: low_corner[i] = p[i] higher = p <= high_corner if not higher.all(): for i in xrange(len(high_corner)): if not higher[i]: high_corner[i] = p[i] return Cuboid(low_corner, high_corner)